Mayawati, the national president of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), strongly rejected the claims made by Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Ramgopal Yadav in a recent interview. Yadav alleged that the BSP planned to join the opposition’s INDIA alliance. Mayawati categorically dismissed these claims, asserting that they were entirely false and baseless.
Furthermore, Mayawati questioned the media’s role in repeatedly broadcasting such fake news. She expressed her concern about whether there may be hidden agendas behind these reports, damaging the media’s credibility.
Mayawati pointed out that the Samajwadi Party and its leaders have not refuted these absurd claims. This, according to her, highlights the deteriorating condition of the Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh and its involvement in a malicious political circle that actively works against the BSP.
Mayawati cautioned her party members to remain vigilant against such fake news reports. During an internal party meeting on October 1, she warned party members about the spread of false news and propaganda. Mayawati contended that these actions were part of a political conspiracy orchestrated by anti-BSP elements to harm the party. She urged her party members not to let these reports hinder the party’s preparations for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
During the meeting, Mayawati reaffirmed her stance on maintaining distance from both the ruling NDA and the opposition’s INDIA alliances.
Prior to these recent statements, on August 30, Mayawati made an earnest appeal to the media to refrain from spreading fake news. In July, she publicly announced her decision not to join either of the two alliances, the BJP-led NDA or the opposition’s INDIA alliance.